Vincent Marchau
- Works at
- Radboud University Nijmegen
A short interview with...
Research to be proud of
In my view, a crucial future KiM research theme is determining how we should contend with the long-term uncertainties of decision-making processes as they pertain to mega-projects, the sustainable development of cities and main-port planning. In order to anticipate the future – which is, by definition, uncertain – flexibility and adaptivity are required in long-term planning. This adaptive programming is now slowly but surely being introduced into mobility policy. However, many questions remain as to how this should be done in practice, the associated costs and benefits of adaptive policy, and the institutional embedding.
In recent years I and various colleagues have been engaged in developing and evaluating the concept of adaptive planning. This has led to various scientific publications, a number of doctorates and social consultancy, including:
Van der Pas, J.W.G.M., W.E. Walkera, V.A.W.J. Marchau, B. van Wee, J.H. Kwakkel (2013). 'Operationalizing adaptive policymaking'. Futures, Vol. 52, 12-26.
In addition, I served as co-editor of an introductory traffic and transport book, written by various researchers: Van Lint J.H. & V.A.W.J. Marchau (eds.) (2011). 'You're not stuck in traffic, you are traffic' (De file dat ben je zelf). Architecture Publication Office, Delft.
Affinity with KiM core research themes
I have an affinity with the research theme 'Mobility, accessibility and spatial planning' (studies of the medium- and long-term in support of robust policy development) and as an extension of this the theme 'Models and data' (particularly the development and use of participative scenarios and group models for adaptive planning).
Current position and core scientific research
I am currently a part-time STT-Professor at Radboud University Nijmegen (chair: 'Uncertainty and Adaptivity of Social Systems'). In addition, I serve as the Vice-Scientific Director of the Research School TRAnsport, Infrastructures and Logistics (TRAIL). My research interests focus on the development of long-term adaptive plans within a multi-stakeholder environment. My focus is strongly methodological (group model building, participative scenario planning, exploratory modelling) and does not solely focus on mobility, but rather also other areas (energy, water, ICT, urban development, health care, the banking sector and 'security').
Scientific background
I studied applied mathematics at Delft University of Technology, from where in 2000 I received my PhD for a thesis entitled, 'Technology Assessment Automated Vehicle Guidance'. Until 2010 I worked at Delft University of Technology as an Associate Professor in the Transport Policy and Logistics Organisation section of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. Since 2010 I have served as Vice-Scientific Director of the Research school TRAnsport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TRAIL), and since 1 March 2013 I have held the aforementioned chair at Radbouod University Nijmegen, Faculty of Management-Sciences. This chair is partly supported by the Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (STT).