Stefan Verduin

Stefan Verduin

Core theme manager
Telephone number
+31 70 456 19 65
Email address

Stefan Verduin is the manager of the Sustainability and Areas core theme. Before joining KiM, he led the Research and Knowledge team of the Amsterdam municipality for 7 years. Together with 25 colleagues, Stefan provided decision-making information to, among others, policy-makers in the field of mobility, public space and behavior. The team used tools such as monitoring & evaluation, models, social cost and benefit analyzes, knowledge management and big data.

In addition to team leader Research and Knowledge, Stefan worked at the municipality of Amsterdam as a senior process manager for coordinating road works during the construction of the North-South line. He also shaped urban traffic management.

Previously, Stefan was secretary of the Regional Traffic Safety Agency North Holland. He also worked at Witteveen + Bos in The Hague, the municipality of Leidschendam and at the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management North Holland for the Mainport and Schiphol environment project.

Stefan laid a solid foundation for his working life during his studies at TU Delft (Traffic Modelling) and Amstel HTS Hydraulic Engineering.