Mobility report 2011 (English summary)

Following strong growth in the 1980s and 1990s, the total amount of national mobility among Dutch people has not increased since 2005. This especially applies to car use. Except for the credit crisis, the reasons for this remain unclear. Moreover, other western countries have had similar experiences.
In 2010, economic recovery led to increased traffic congestion on the main road network. Traffic congestion, however, was less in 2011, partly as a result of road capacity enlargements. In recent years, the relationship between traffic volumes on the main road network and congestion levels is no longer stable. Consequently, there is no simple rule of thumb to predict congestion.

This report is available in Dutch.

Train use did increase in 2010, however, although at a slower rate than in previous years. Air travel once again increased but has not yet returned to pre-crisis levels. Owing to the revived growth of global trade, freight transport - especially by sea - recovered from the credit crisis in 2010.
These findings were published in the Mobility Report 2011, in which the KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis provides an overview of the state of mobility in the Netherlands. For the first time, the Mobility Report also included a look ahead to the coming two years. The Mobility Report 2011 is the fifth annual edition published by KiM.