
254 publications

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  1. Key Mobility Figures 2024

    In the publication 'Key Mobility Figures 2024', KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis provides an overview of ...

    Publication | 04-03-2025

  2. The Flying Dutchman 2024

    A quarter of the population of the Netherlands make the majority of all journeys by air (75%). This is according to research by ...

    Publication | 12-02-2025 | Toon Zijlstra, Olaf Jonkeren

  3. KiM programme 2025

    The KiM programme presents an overview of our projects for 2025.

    Publication | 10-02-2025

  4. Social relevance of rail freight transport

    Brochure on KiM research 'Social relevance of rail freight transport'.

    Brochure | 16-01-2025 | Gerbert Romijn, Martijn van der Horst, Johan Visser

  5. Flying towards a sustainable energy system

    In the decades ahead, aviation will need to switch from the consumption of fossil kerosene as an energy carrier to sustainable, ...

    Brochure | 13-01-2025 | Gabrielle Uitbeijerse, Marlinde Knoope, Saeda Moorman

  6. The relevance of air cargo transport for the Netherlands

    Brochure on KiM research 'The relevance of air cargo transport for the Netherlands'.

    Brochure | 18-12-2024 | Johan Visser, Lukas Kolkowski, Saeda Moorman

  7. Walking facts 2024

    The distance walked by Dutch people increased by 33% between 2019 and 2023. They are travelling on foot more often, covering a ...

    Brochure | 12-12-2024 | Mathijs de Haas, Lukas Kolkowski

  8. Acceptable accessibility: a traveller's perspective

    Brochure on KiM research 'Acceptable accessibility: a traveller's perspective'.

    Brochure | 14-11-2024 | Marije Hamersma, Iris Roeleven

  9. Affordable mobility?

    Brochure on KiM research 'Affordable mobility?'.  

    Brochure | 30-10-2024 | Lizet Krabbenborg, Anne Durand

  10. Factsheet: more than 10 years of data collection with MPN

    In this factsheet, the KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis discuss the how and why of the Netherlands ...

    Publication | 16-07-2024