Second opinion costs and benefits analysis MIRT Haaglanden (Dutch)

This report is available in Dutch.

The order of magnitude for the costs and benefits of the MIRT Verkenning Haaglanden project alternatives is, on balance, plausible. However, insights provided by the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) are limited, owing to prioritisation prior to execution of the CBA and to additions made to the project alternatives. By first filtering the area-focused solutions, only two project alternatives, both focused on solving the road accessibility bottleneck, remained for the CBA.

This report is available in Dutch.

These two project alternatives are compiled from a combination of various measures, yet it remains unclear how necessary these individual measures in themselves are for achieving the intended effects of the alternatives in their entirety.The KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis (KiM) reached these conclusions in a second opinion of the MIRT Haaglanden CBA. This CBA estimated the contributions these two project alternatives, focused on improving accessibility in the Haaglanden region, made toward the national social welfare.