Summary Mobility Report 2023
Residents of the Netherlands travelled more in the Netherlands in 2022 compared to 2021, but less than before the corona pandemic (2019). In particular, the distance travelled by public transport (pt) remained clearly below the 2019 level. This and more can be read in the Mobility Report 2023 (in Dutch: Mobiliteitsbeeld 2023) by the KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis (KiM). KiM also examined 3 scenarios for pt and car use in the coming years. In 2 of the 3 scenarios, train use in 2028 remains below 2019 levels. Bus, tram and metro use remains lower than in 2019 in all projections. Road traffic, however, is expected to grow in 2028 compared to 2019.
KiM's Mobility Report examines the development of mobility over the past 10 years and uses scenarios to estimate the possible development of various modes of transport over the next 5 years. The report also focuses on developments in accessibility, traffic safety, effects of mobility on the living environment and spending on mobility. In doing so, KiM uses various sources.