The Netherlands Mobility Panel

MPN - The Netherlands Mobility Panel Explanimation

The Netherlands Mobility Panel helps us to determine the role transport plays in the lives of millions of people in the Netherlands.

When people’s lives change, the way they get around changes too.
That provides us with important figures and insights.

Let’s take a look at Sandra and Robert’s family...

Sandra just started a new job at an office in the big city.

She used to enjoy cycling to work, but now she has to go by car every day.
That means she’s often stuck in traffic.

Which is annoying for Robert, because he has to cycle to the supermarket again.

Nowadays, he prefers to order online and have their groceries delivered at home.

When grandma and grandpa come over to baby-sit, they take the bus.
They used to cycle, but ever since grandpa had an accident, they haven’t felt like cycling anymore.
The Netherlands Mobility Panel’s findings give us insights into the relationship between changing personal circumstances and travel behaviour, and how it evolves over time.

These insights are used by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment to establish suitable policies for the future so we can keep the Netherlands moving smoothly, safely and comfortably.