Netherlands Mobility Panel Symposium on April 10, 2018

After two successful Netherlands Mobility Panel Symposia, the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis (KiM) is organizing the third symposium together with Delft University of Technology and DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services). This year the symposium will take place on April 10th 2018.

Location MPN Symposium

The symposium will be held at the Java-building NWO, Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 300, 2593 CE The Hague (next to train station Den Haag Laan van NOI)

What is MPN?

The Netherlands Mobility Panel (MPN) is a household panel that started in 2013. The data collected with the MPN are used to study trends in the travel behavior of a fixed group of individuals and households over a longer time period. Does your travel pattern change when you move from the city to the countryside? Why do some people choose to go walking or cycling? What is the role of health in a mode shift to active modes? With the use of the MPN we aim to answer these type of questions.


In this year’s symposium researchers from several organizations will present research that is based on both the MPN and other panels. The topics include, among others;

  • Trip patterns of e-bike users
  • Health and mobility
  • Determinants of immobility
  • Mobility as a Service (MAAS)
  • Residential preferences of households
  • Use of smartphones in panel studies


Participation in the symposium is free of charge and lunch and drinks are included.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 10th of April in The Hague. You can subscribe to the symposium online.


10.00-10.30 Registration

10.30-11.00 Introduction

Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser & Krisje Wijgergangs & Mathijs de Haas (KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis)

11.00-12.40 Session 1

  • Toon Zijlstra (KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis) Surveys with smartphone, laptop or tablet: mixed devices and mode effects in the MPN
  • Marie-Jose Olde Kalter (University of Twente / Goudappel Coffeng) Dynamics in travel behavior: who changes mode, why and when? A longitudinal analysis of mode choice behavior in the Netherlands.
  • Lucas Harms (KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis) & Maarten Kroesen (Delft University of Technology) User characteristics and trip patterns of e-bike use in the Netherlands
  • Christine Eisenmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Is active travel a stable physical activity behavior? Evidence from the German Mobility Panel

12.40-13.40 Lunch

13.40-15.20 Session 2

  • Lara Zomer (Delft University of Technology) Wayfinding styles: Relations with mobility patterns, navigation preferences, and the built environment
  • Michael Thomas (University of Groningen) Geographical distances between separated parents: A longitudinal analysis
  • Sascha von Behren (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Assessing Car Dependence: Development of a Comprehensive Survey Approach Based on the Concept of a Travel Skeleton.
  • Danique Ton (Delft University of Technology) The relationship between daily mobility patterns and the attitude towards modes

15.20-15.35 Break

15.35-16.50 Session 3

  • Anne Durand & Lucas Harms (KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis) Travel preferences and travel behaviour in a world with MaaS: first insights from literature
  • Ori Rubin (PBL) & Toon Zijlstra (KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis) The trade-off between housing, amenities and accessibility: a stated preference experiment with employed individuals from the MPN
  • Paul van Beek (Goudappel Coffeng) & Lissy La Paix Puello (University of Twente) Elasticities based on panel data

16.50-18.00 Drinks