Publications - The Netherlands Mobility Panel

55 publications on The Netherlands Mobility Panel

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  1. Travel preferences and travel behaviour in a world with MaaS

    Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a new transport concept in which existing and new mobility services are integrated into one ...

    Presentation | 10-04-2018 | Lucas Harms

  2. Geographical distances between separated parents: A longitudinal analysis

    Many Western societies have witnessed long-term trends of increased separation and divorce, increased fathers’ involvement in ...

    Presentation | 10-04-2018

  3. Latent classes of daily mobility patterns: The relationship with attitudes towards modes

    In the past decade, public interest into active modes (i.e. walking and cycling) has increased significantly. Consequently, ...

    Presentation | 10-04-2018

  4. Introduction MPN Symposium 2018

    Introduction to the MPN symposium 2018.

    Presentation | 10-04-2018 | Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser, Krisje Wijgergangs, Mathijs de Haas

  5. Is active travel a stable physical activity behaviour? Evidence from the German Mobility Panel

    Walking and cycling—active travel—can help adults achieve the World Health Organization’s recommended 150+ minutes of ...

    Presentation | 10-04-2018

  6. User characteristics and trip patterns of e-bike use in the Netherlands

    The sale of electrically assisted bicycles (e-bikes or pedelecs) is growing at a rapid rate across Europe. Within Europe, the ...

    Presentation | 10-04-2018

  7. Dynamics in travel behaviour: who changes mode, why and when? A longitudinal analysis of mode choice behaviour in the Netherlands

    Due to burgeoning economy, by 2022 traffic congestion is expected to have increased by 9 percent and travel delays by 28 percent, ...

    Publication | 10-04-2018

  8. Surveys with smartphone, laptop or tablet: mixed devices and mode effects in the MPN

    Web-based surveys are nowadays by definition mixed-mode surveys: respondents use various devices to administer the online survey. ...

    Presentation | 10-04-2018 | Toon Zijlstra

  9. Measurement of non-random attrition effects on mobility rates using trip diaries data

    This paper examines the influence of panel attrition on the intrapersonal dynamics in self-reported trip rates, using the data ...

    Paper | 04-10-2017

  10. Computer assisted web-interviewing with mixed-devices: a panel study perspective

    Nowadays, respondents complete online surveys using smartphones, tablets or traditional devices. This presents a challenge for ...

    Paper | 04-10-2017 | Toon Zijlstra, Krisje Wijgergangs, Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser