Publications - The Netherlands Mobility Panel

55 publications on The Netherlands Mobility Panel

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  1. Identifying different types of observed immobility within longitudinal travel surveys

    In every travel survey there are respondents who did not report any trips on a given day. It is important to distinguish truly ...

    Paper | 04-10-2017 | Mathijs de Haas, Eline Scheepers, Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser

  2. New insights in our daily mobility

    The Netherlands Mobility Panel (MPN) has been actively compiling data for the past four years, during which time numerous ...

    Video | 10-08-2017

  3. Exploring the impact of household interactions on car use for home-based tours.

    While most studies on mode choice behaviour and households are typically based on individual travel behaviour decisions, less is ...

    Paper | 14-02-2017

  4. Do attitudes cause travel behavior or vica versa?

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Maarten Kroesen (Delft University of Technology) , Susan Handy (University of California ...

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  5. Second MPN-symposium September 12th 2016

    Presented at the MPN symposium by Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser and Eline Scheepers, September 12, 2016.

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  6. Life events as a window of opportunity

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Jaco Berveling

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  7. How Cyclists become Cyclists Dynamics and the Potential of Bicycle use in Germany

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Bastian Chlond and Christine Weiss

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  8. Attitudes and travel behaviour: changing mode preferences to change behaviour

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Marie-José Olde Kalter (Goudappel Coffeng, University of Twente)

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  9. Understanding eshopping:analysis of ICT relation with shopping and shopping mobility behaviour

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Olga Huijbregtse (KiM) and Pablo Nicolás Marmisa (TU Delft)

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  10. MEILI a small step towards automation of activity travel diary collection in Stockholm

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Yusak O. Susilo, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

    Presentation | 12-09-2016