Publications - The Netherlands Mobility Panel

55 publications on The Netherlands Mobility Panel

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  1. Measurement of non-random attrition effects on mobility rates using trip diaries data

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Lissy La Paix, University of Twente

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  2. Mode choice changes and gendered key events

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Joachim Scheiner

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  3. The influence of life events on transitions between travel patterns

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Mathijs de Haas

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  4. Panel attrition: earlier Dutch experiences with relevance for current practice

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Henk Meurs, Radboud University Nijmegen - MuConsult

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  5. Estimating the nonresponse bias through Modeling of Nonresponse behavior for the MPN

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Raymond Hoogendoorn, Eline Scheepers, Olga Huibregtse en Sascha Hoogendoorn - Lanser

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  6. Effects of a mixed-mode design in the German mobility panel

    Presented at the MPN symposium 2016 by Christine Weiss and Bastian Chlond

    Presentation | 12-09-2016

  7. Invitation and programme 2nd Netherlands Mobility Panel Symposium

    Invitation and programme of the second Netherlands Mobility Panel symposium.

    Paper | 17-08-2016 | Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser, Eline Scheepers, Raymond Hoogendoorn

  8. Leisure mobility in the internet age

    Presented at the 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, London, 2015.

    Presentation | 21-07-2015 | Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser, George Gelauff, Eline Scheepers, Nina Schaap

  9. Exploring the impact of household interactions on car use for home-based tours. A multilevel analysis of dynamics in travel mode choice in the Netherlands.

    Presented at the XIII NECTAR International Conference, 14-16 June, Ann Arbor, USA.

    Presentation | 14-06-2015

  10. The Netherlands Mobility Panel: An innovative design approach for web-based longitudinal travel data collection.

    Presented at the 10th International Conference on survey Methods in Transport, 16-21 November 2014, Leura, Australia.

    Presentation | 16-11-2014 | Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser, Nina Schaap, Marie-José Olde Kalter