
245 publications

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  1. Innovations in Mobility

    Presentation | 23-01-2018

  2. Drones in passenger and freight transport

    In future drones can be deployed in certain passenger and freight transport markets in the Netherlands. Speed is a key advantage ...

    Document (research publication) | 16-11-2017 | Maarten de Lange, Hugo Gordijn, George Gelauff, Harry Derriks

  3. Exploratory study of alternative trip data collection methods

    The use of smartphone technology is the most promising alternative for collecting data for large-scale national travel surveys, ...

    Document (research publication) | 31-10-2017 | Maarten de Lange, Olga Huibregtse

  4. Mobility Report 2017 (In Dutch)

    In 2016, approximately 60 percent of the total number of passenger kilometres in the Netherlands were travelled by car. This ...

    Document (research publication) | 23-10-2017

  5. Measurement of non-random attrition effects on mobility rates using trip diaries data

    This paper examines the influence of panel attrition on the intrapersonal dynamics in self-reported trip rates, using the data ...

    Paper | 04-10-2017

  6. Computer assisted web-interviewing with mixed-devices: a panel study perspective

    Nowadays, respondents complete online surveys using smartphones, tablets or traditional devices. This presents a challenge for ...

    Paper | 04-10-2017 | Toon Zijlstra, Krisje Wijgergangs, Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser

  7. Identifying different types of observed immobility within longitudinal travel surveys

    In every travel survey there are respondents who did not report any trips on a given day. It is important to distinguish truly ...

    Paper | 04-10-2017 | Mathijs de Haas, Eline Scheepers, Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser

  8. Innovation of the Dutch National travel survey; implementation of the new design

    Over the years 2015-2017 an innovation programme for the Dutch National Travel Survey (NTS) is conducted with the aim of ...

    Paper | 04-10-2017

  9. Validation of floating car data for transport policy analysis and transport models

    Floating Car Data (FCD) has been available for policy research in the Netherlands since 2010, as provided by various suppliers ...

    Paper | 04-10-2017

  10. Validation of floating car data for transport policy analysis and transport models

    Validation of floating car data for transport policy analysis and transport models. Presentation, ETC 2017, Barcelona.

    Presentation | 04-10-2017