Monitoring framework National Databank for Road Transport Information (Dutch)

The National Databank for Road Transport Information (NDW) was started in 2009. This databank provides road authorities and traffic information service providers with high quality, relevant and reliable available information about the situation on Dutch roads. The databank must ultimately lead to a better utilisation of the Dutch road network, owing to improved traffic management and traffic information.

This report is available in Dutch

This can result in decreasing traffic congestion levels and improved reliability. The NDW will be evaluated in 2012. In the coming years, it is important for the NDW to monitor the extent to which the database contributes to the stated objectives. The NDW asked the KiM Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis to advise on how best to set up their monitoring programme.
For this purpose, KiM developed a monitoring framework. Within this framework, the NDW analyses the effects the databank has had on the stated objectives. The monitoring framework consists of 5 modules. For each module it is indicated what can be measured (indicators), in what way (the methodology) and over what time period this should be done.