Cycling Facts
The use of bicycles and e-bikes is growing; however, large spatial and social differences can be observed in the trends. This is the conclusion of the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis in its study entitled "Cycling Facts", commissioned by the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.
The publication presents significant facts and figures relating to trends in the ownership and use of bicycles and e-bikes, and provides an overview of the social effects of bicycle use. For example, it shows that bicycle use has increased by 12 per cent over the past ten years and that a particular rise in both bicycle use and distances travelled can be observed among young adults and older people. Ownership and use of e-bikes is also on the rise; over recent years, e-bikes are used increasingly more by Dutch residents under the age of 65 for home-to-work travel. Another outcome of the study is that bicycle use produces a wide range of social benefits: cycling leads to a longer and healthier life, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, and improves accessibility. However, the trend in the number of road deaths and serious injuries among cyclists remains an important point for attention.